Basic Data Extraction and Text Processing in Linux

cut, sort, uniq, wc

Justin Heyman
3 min readOct 9, 2021
Vitaly Vlasov on Pexels


By themselves, these old *nix tools can’t accomplish much. But when used together, the possibilities for what we can accomplish with data processing are endless. Familiarizing yourself with these tools will unlock a new level of competency. Other data filtering tools not mentioned here but are worth mentioning are sed, grep, and awk.


  • Understand how piping commands works in linux
  • Know how to use the cat command

The cut command [man cut]

Take a look at this command

cut -d " " -f 1

In this example, the cut command defines a delimiter -d " " and selects the first field -f 1. In other words, the cut operation will find the first instance of a space and then cut everything after that space, for every line. The way field parameter works is that each delimiter (" " in this case) creates a new field and you can decide which fields to keep.

The sort command [man sort]

The sort command does what it sounds like it does. It will take in a bunch of unsorted lines and sort them. If using the sort command without any arguments, its default sort rules are as follows:

  • numbers > letters
  • lowercase > uppercase


If we have a list like


The default sort rules would output this


Notice that the numbers don’t seem to be in order. The default sort compares each character individually. To sort numbers by integer order, you can use sort -n.

The uniq command [man uniq]

Running some text through the default uniq command will output the text file without duplicate lines. Another useful argument, uniq -c will output each line prepended with a count of how many times that line occurred. This is useful if you want to analyze the frequency of certain lines in your data.

The wc command [man wc]

Wc stands for wordcount, but the wc command can count more than just words. In many cases with text processing and analysis, we want a line count. wc -l will do just that. Check out the man link above for more things wc can do.

Putting it all together

Here’s the structure of a sample access.log file from an IIS webserver

02:49:12 GET / 200
02:49:35 GET /index.html 200
03:01:06 GET /images/sponsered.gif 304
03:52:36 GET /search.php 200
04:17:03 GET /admin/style.css 200
05:04:54 GET /favicon.ico 404
05:38:07 GET /js/ads.js 200

If we wanted to get the frequency of each http status code we would use a command like cat access.log | cut -d " " -f 5 | sort -n | uniq -c Which would return

5 200
1 304
1 404

So there are 5 occurences of 200 status codes, 1 occurance of a 304, and 1 occurance of a 404.



Justin Heyman
Justin Heyman

Written by Justin Heyman

Full-time Computer Science student pursuing a Bachelor's degree. Passionate about learning all things Cybersecurity and privacy related.

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